
Now that you have a working cluster connected to your Kubernetic client you can continue with handling the namespaces.


Namespacesopen in new window is a way to virtually split an existing cluster to separate environments. Most objects inside Kubernetes act inside a specific namespace, which means when you switch namespace a fresh environment will be provided.

Go to screen Settings > Namespaces

List Namespaces

You will see there your existing namespaces. Kubernetes creates an active "default" namespace automatically which is where your objects act on by default. It also creates a "kube-system" namespace where all cluster's management objects are stored (e.g. A DNS service).

Namespaces: Manage namespaces

Creating Namespace

Let's create a namespace:

  • Fill name: kubernetic-tutorial
  • Click Create button

Namespaces: Manage namespaces

Switching Namespace

The active namespace can be seen on the top menu bar, you can switch to the new namespace by selecting the name. The current view will be refreshed to display the resources of the selected namespace.

You can also choose to display All namespaces. Table will be updated with a Namespace column to display the namespace of each resource.

Switching Namespace

Deleting Namespace


Deletion of a namespace propagates the deletion of all resources under that namespace.

Namespaces can be deleted from the menu:

Namespace Menu

A confirmation dialog is shown before deleting the namespace:

Namespace deletion confirmation